Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Cricket Rules!!!

As you can probably see from the name I am a Cricket fanatic(well.....nearly).
I like Cricket because..........well, I just do really! My Dad was the person to push me in the right direction, I used to think Cricket was rubbish!(Oh how I was wrong).
Now I want to go and try out for Havering! I usually carry my cricket balls everywhere but my dad only encourages me!


Anonymous said...

Jim-Billy Bob?!?! What's that about? Come on - we want answers.

Sorry Ed, but I am not a big fan of cricket. Its slow and dull if you ask me. Give me football any day. My Dad loves cricket though!

Ed said...

Jim-billy-bob..... well i don't really know wat it is? I made it up to annoy my sister(and it works!)

Sorry you don't like cricket, its great hopefully someone will show you the way.

Dawn said...

I'm with Kirsty on the cricket front....boring!

RichardB said...

Ed, if Dawn and Kirsty haven't worked it out by their age then I'm afraid it's probably too late

Anonymous said...

What are you trying to say? That we are old? Come on, give me a break. I'm not even a quarter of a century yet!

Dawn are you going to take this?

Ed said...

Well He does have a point!

Anonymous said...


Dawn said...

Well, in two weeks, I will have passed the quarter century....isn't that a cricketing term?

Ann said...

Hi Ed...you haven't told everyone how dangerous you are with a cricket ball have you !! :-) Love Mum xx

Liz said...

Elyse told me that you have one with teeth marks in it.I don't think that making your family catch the ball with their mouths is.....well Cricket reaalY

Liz said...

Sorry, that's - really.

Ed said...

It was taken away by a dog we only got it back 'cos the dog nearly choked on it!

For some reason everyone I bowl at gets injured in some way!

Liz said...

Maybe you need to bowl 'to them' rather than 'at them'?

Anonymous said...

Ha! Liz! You are so funny today! I haven't stopped laughing all day! Ed this is your 14th comment! Thats pretty impressive. How do you do it. That perfromance allows you to be put on my blogroll, (which is an incredible privilage I'll have you know!). Warning though - you need to blog frequently to stay near the top!

Ed said...

Yes, my life's dream has come true I'm finally on kirsty's blogroll!
I hereby promise to add a new post every week(or try).